It was a trend of the past when technology and learning were restricted to classroom sessions prominent with white chalk, dusters and blackboards. Now in the era of smart classrooms, we have smart classes conducted by a teacher using a flat screen that is attached to the projector. Students assimilate the audio – visual information that is projected on the screen. Smart Board Education in our school provides anytime access to the expansive world of online information as the internet is a treasure of invaluable information. With Smart Board Education, our children are reaching extra mile to grasp information that is way ahead of their curriculum. Teaching is  more interactive as digital tools help students understand the topic better. Since, learning is linked to pictures, images and animated videos, children at Bhatnagar International Foundation School are much excited and curious to share their ideas and thoughts with enhanced student- teacher interaction, prompted by technological tools. Smart Boards are building motion into the new concepts introduced in the class and children learn them with more ease and interest. It fosters hands on approach for children to learn any given topic.