Every relation is beautiful and so is the relation of grandchildren and grandparents. At BIFS, all relations are given equal importance and thus celebrated joyfully. Whether it is Mother’s Day, Teacher’s Day, Father’s Day, Children’s Day, or Grandparent’s Day, children are given all the possible opportunities to express their love to their loved ones. BIFS proffers limitless opportunities to children to participate in immense of the functions. Every day, teachers put in conscious efforts to occupy children with one or the other activity. Also, events are conducted to ensure full participation of kids.

Grade I received the opportunity to celebrate Grandparent’s Day. The celebration took place in the school’s Smart Room where grandparents of children were cordially invited to see their grandchildren performing on stage enthusiastically. The theme of Grandparent’s Day was ‘Heritage of India’ which was presented beautifully by tiny tots. They danced, sang, and played every bit of their role efficiently.

A skit was another interesting part during the function. The title of the skit was ‘Heritage of India’. This skit portrayed three groups of visitors to India, who visited popular monuments located in different corners of the nation. First group went to the Taj Mahal, second went to the Red Fort and third group of tourists went to the Qutub Minar. They were excited to see the beauty of the monuments. In all three scenes, there was a wide usage of props and colourful dresses were eye-caching.

The most entertaining part of Grandparent’s Day was interactive engagement with the grandparents. The function ended on a happy note and lead to the development of a strong bond between grandparents and their grandchildren.