September 2, 2021

As a cybersecurity professional, the specific industry you work for plays a major role in determining your annual income. From there, you will carve your own career path, depending on your preferences and skillsets. The chances are that the same IT job position will have a higher income in these industries than others. The average cyber security specialist salary in Washington, Utah, and Oregon are the highest in the U.S. The lowest average cyber security specialist salary states are Vermont, Connecticut, and Missouri.

  • In California, cyber security specialists earn an average annual income of $120,000 – $140,000.
  • In addition to certifications and advanced education, cybersecurity job seekers are well-advised to connect with internship opportunities and do plenty of reading, self-learning and networking.
  • It would be fantastic, in principle, to find a position in a very small company with a large income (less than 100 or, even better, less than 50 employees) that generates substantial income.
  • It takes years of education and training before becoming proficient enough to earn those higher salaries.
  • Other job titles that you might see in your search include IT Security Specialist, Network Security Specialist and Internet Security Analyst.

Becoming a Cyber Security Specialist is not only a smart career choice, but it can also be quite lucrative. The demand for cybersecurity professionals continues to grow with how to become a security specialist the increasing number of cyber-attacks and data breaches. This high-demand means that companies and organizations are willing to pay top dollar for skilled specialists.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cybersecurity Salaries

According to industry statistics, information security analysts often earn more money than cybersecurity specialists. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, an information security analyst earns an average salary of $99,730 per year or $47.95 per hour on average. In California, cyber security specialists earn an average annual income of $120,000 – $140,000. This high earning potential is due to the tech industry’s heavy presence in Silicon Valley and other major cities throughout the state. New York also offers competitive salaries ranging from $110,000 – $130,000 annually.

In addition to certifications and advanced education, cybersecurity job seekers are well-advised to connect with internship opportunities and do plenty of reading, self-learning and networking. Generally speaking, however, the earning potential in this industry is so high that even an entry-level cybersecurity specialist could make a six-figure income. An upside of working as a cybersecurity specialist is getting to choose from a variety of industries.

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Many universities offer degrees in cyber security and related fields, making it easier for aspiring specialists to get started. Cybersecurity specialists work across various industries including financial services, healthcare and government agencies where securing client information is critical. They also continuously evaluate security protocols by updating software applications firewalls intrusion detection systems etc., keeping up with latest industry standards for best practices on cybersecurity measures. Cyber threats come in many forms such as malware, phishing scams, data breaches, denial-of-service (DoS) attacks and ransomware. Cybersecurity specialists are responsible for identifying these potential threats and developing strategies to prevent them from occurring.

how much does cyber security specialist make

Mid-level positions equate to greater responsibilities and a higher cybersecurity salary. Since they deal with data loss prevention and data protection in general, security incidents, risk assessment, and fending off digital threats, a cybersecurity specialist’s role is crucial to an organization. Employers like to have a guarantee that their specialists know what they’re doing in the form of at least a bachelor’s degree in computer security or a related field. This related field can be computer science, data administration, network administration, or similar.