Morning assembly imparts a positive attitude among the students and develops a sense of belonging and appreciation to perform well and learn to recognize the potential of others. It serves as a platform to interact with each other work as a channel to provide information. The aim of the assembly is to promote the disciplined behaviour among students. A school is a foundation of a student’s life and thus, it acts as a platform to impart the essential cultural, moral and spiritual discipline in students and the conductance of morning assembly works effectively in fulfilling all these qualities in them and thus establishes a sense of unity in them. Teachers ensure that every child gets the opportunity to come to the stage with high spirits.

Assembly topics are always well-chosen so that the correct message can be passed on to the future of our country.

  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December

Mango Festival,3 C

Speech is Silver, Silence is Golden,2 C

Self Discpline 2 B

Save Trees 2 A
